
Friday, June 29, 2012

Mint Ice cream!

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I was searching for something quick and easy to make Joey for snack and I came across this! I tweaked it a bit and came out with a thinner texture than hers but only because I didn't have enough frozen bananas and had to use a regular it was more like soft serve!

I loved it and my 5 year old approved and even wanted more! I put the remaining amount in the freezer to blend up to make thicker ice cream for next time

tip: Cut bananas BEFORE you freeze them. ( I always have some readily cut and freezing just in case I want some sort of frozen treat!)
              I used a small splash of mint extract-then add more if you need it. You could use any flavor you want but I love mint!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

1000 Squats

Today I'm starting a new challenge! Along with my June daily challenge I am taking on the I See Fit People 1000 squat challenge! ONE THOUSAND SQUATS in 1 week. Hopefully Ill finish before the weekend with 200 a day. I completed 100 this morning with ease so its shouldnt be too difficult! Who knows maybe Ill just keep doing 1000 a week every week- I get back to you on that!

AM/PM: Squat count
3 x 10: Full body squat with medicine ball
3 x 10: Medicine ball squat and throw
4 x 10: Air squat

Friday, June 22, 2012

Fit for 2!

I am now into the 7th month of my pregnancy and since this blog has changed into more of what Im doing while pregnant I figured Id post my workout routine and meal plan. I did a lot of searching online for articles on pregnancy workouts and eating (along with speaking with my doctor) so I knew I was doing the right thing. You really only need and extra 300 calories starting at the 3 month point and that is basically like eating some oats and protein...and not the entire bag of M&Ms!

For the past couple months Ive been quite motivated to hit the gym and stay on track with my meals. Some weekends I do let go a bit and have the things Im craving but it doesnt last the entire day...mainly dinner and its usually always sushi! 

Monday - Thursday
  • Walk to and from the gym
  • Stretching
  • Treadmill/ Elliptical 2 miles @ incline
  • Followed by either arms/legs (squats, pushups, plank, lunges, rows, etc)
  • 2-4 mile walk outside
  • Lots of stretching
  • If we aren't doing anything active outside I usually just take periods of time thru out the day to stretch really well and we walk in the evenings with our dogs.
Meal Plan
Breakfast: Coffee (w/ crm and sugar) and 4-5 Egg Whites or Oats
Snack: Protein/ Fruit/ WW Toast with NPB
Lunch: Chicken, Salad, Brn rice/sweet potato
Snack: Fruit/cheese
Dinner: Chicken/Fish, Brn rice, salad
Snack: Cottage cheese
  • I generally drink about 6 shake bottles full of water a day. May be more if Im walking to and from the gym in this crazy heat!
  • I always have my water bottle with me so as soon as I see its empty I know to fill it right away. Ive found that my body actually CRAVES the water...Im sure the baby likes it too!
  • Right now I am only taking prenatal vitamins and 100% Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Food Prep

*UPDATE: I have added to my food preparation tips HERE!

Its Sunday! Today we get our food prepped for the rest of the week. 
This is just some of the chicken and all the veg I cut up so we could just grab and saute or throw in a salad! A couple weeks ago ago I got a great deal on a 50lb bag of onions so I chopped them up and froze them in gallon ziplocks. On Friday they had chicken on sale so we bought almost 20 packs! We filleted and marinated them before grilling (marinade recipe is below). I also have the brown rice cooking for the week! 
Makes life and meal time so easy!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Change what you see

You can spend your days busting your butt in the gym but if your making changes in the kitchen you wont get anywhere. You have to fuel your body in order to shed the fat! If you are crash dieting and letting your "cheat meal" turn into cheat days then you are sabotaging all the hard work you just put in at the gym. Do yourself a favor and take a look at what your putting in your mouth before you even step in the gym!
 Abs are made in the kitchen!

Friday, June 1, 2012

June Daily Challenges


Along with my daily workout I try to fit in something thru out the day that gives me that extra boost of motivation and energy. Whether I do it right when I wake up, at the gym or during a commercial; its making a difference in my physical fitness. Each round you do should get easier and when they do you should add a weight or do them in any way that makes you work harder!