
Saturday, July 7, 2012

A little Tri

I have always said I wanted to train for a triathlon, not actually do one, just TRAIN for one! Participating in one just seemed like too big of a goal. So when did I start training you ask? NEVER. But it was still a goal of mine that I would probably never complete. 
That was until I heard about the sprint or “mini tris” that a bunch of other Navy wives were doing. I though “I could do this!” It was a 400m swim, 6 mile bike ride, and 1.5 mile run. It seriously could not get any easier! I think I’m a pretty decent swimmer...biking is an breeze and the run...Id deal with that when it came! After being on a trainer that called for “no cardio” I was a bit behind on that part. 
When I finally talked myself into showing up for one it was one of the most nerve wracking mornings of my life. I was SOOO nervous! I figured Id be last, do the worst and go so slow I wouldn’t be able to show my face at the next one. Boy was I wrong!
Since I only knew 2 other people it was really a race against myself. This made it less stressful. I figured what the hell...I don’t know any of them so if I suck they probably won't even notice! 
The entire time I was doing the tri I stayed pretty much in the middle of the group which gave me people to keep up with (ones in front) and people to push me (ones in the back). Did that make sense?  
Everyone was so supportive and cheered each other on. I was so glad it was laid back and fun! It was hotter than hell and I was not properly hydrated (I should have started the week prior!) but it was so worth it...the tan didnt hurt either!
Here are a few shots from the first 2 I did. They are so fun and I recommend them to anyone and everyone of any skill level! It would definitely be something fun to start in your community with other moms/wives you know. Nothing serious...just have fun and get fit!


  1. I've thought about sprint tris to switch up the running. I worry the equipment might cost too much. What all did you have to get?

    1. The only thing I needed were goggles, a bike/helmet and water! lol I dont have a road bike or anything and I did perfectly fine! Its great and you definitely feel it the day after since its so different from your everyday workout!
