
Monday, October 22, 2012

Monday Mommy Transformation

What was your life like before you started your journey to better health?  

Well... I have been over weight my whole life, pretty much beginning when puberty struck. I was always "big boned" But my weight really ballooned when I got married. I really never realized how miserable I was...even at the beginning when we were "happy". 
I was obese, my highest weight being 236lbs..not pregnant!  I went up and down many times, never getting lower than 190lbs.  Well, long story short, after a decade of being in a difficult marriage, struggling with infertility, financial problems, etc (everyone has their struggles, mine are no worse) I separated from my husband in July 2009. That was a rude awakening for me. I struggled badly with my new life as a single mother.  

How do you involve your family in your journey?  
Well, I enlist family support to give me time to run while training for a half marathon.  I couldn't do it without my "village".  My kids are a part of  the everyday..they go to weight watchers meetings with me, help me prepare healthy meals and snacks, etc.  Their current favorite thing: roasted veggies!

What is your biggest accomplishment so far?  
    In general:  Being  a good,healthy example/role model for my two children (ages 5 and 9) is by far my biggest accomplishment.  I am showing them how to take care of themselves by taking care of myself.  They are happier because I am happier!
   Health related:  I reached my goal weight this fall and am maintaining under my goal.  I weigh less than I did in jr high now at 147lbs.  I exercise regularly and I am training for a half marathon (completing this will be a huge accomplishment.  I can't wait!).

Who inspires you? 
 I have a friend (Hi Tracey!) who I met along my way in this weight loss/health journey.  She is around my age.  She suffered a stroke recently and since has taken charge of her health and has lost over 100 lbs so far.  I would post online about my runs..and she would post about her walks from one end her driveway to the other.  I know if she could run, she would put me to shame daily.  She gives maximum effort all the time despite her health challenges.  She is kicking butt!

What future goals do you have for yourself?
Fitness related...My very short term goal is to run my first half marathon on Oct 21.  After that, continue to maintain my weight loss and my running for my second half on my 39th birthday in February.  

Simply put, how did you do it? 
 Weight watchers, couch to 5k running program were the two main things.  I have gone past the 5k distance now, but if it were not for that program I would not be able to run more than 60 seconds at a time!  Those two programs have changed my life!

What is one of your favorite recipes?
Slowcooker lentil polenta stew

1.5 cups brown lentils (rinsed and picked over)
2 onions sliced
1 large green pepper, diced
4 garlic cloves, sliced
1 can plum tomatoes with juice
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1/8 teaspoon red pepper flakes
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
1.5 cups vegetable broth
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 cup quick cooking Polenta
Layer lentils, onions, green programs garlic in slow cooker. Halve tomatoes and add to cooker with juice. Sprinkle with oregano, pepper flakes, and salt. Pour in broth and vinegar. Cover and cook on low for seven hours or until lentils are tender. Serve over Polenta (I stirred it in!)
Serves 6. Per serving... 300 calories, 1 gram fat, 57 gram carb, 15 gram fiber, 16 gram protein

Click HERE to check her out of Facebook!


  1. SO inspirational!! And that stew sounds awesome, I love polenta. Definitely saving this recipe!

  2. Great post! I just shared this on my FB page...very inspiring :)

    1. Thanks so much! She is so inspiring!

  3. Amazing!!!!!! I'm so inspired and impressed!! Way to go!!!!

  4. Kerry is my good pal and my personal inspiration in my own weight loss. She is every bit as wonderful and amazing as that interview makes her sound!

  5. Thank you all! Especially my anonymous real life friend, whoever you might be! :)

    Thanks Lindsey for featuring me!!

