
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Where do I begin?

Lately I've been trying to decide where I want to go fitness wise; running, lifting, both? For years I only ran then when I was introduced to lifting I gained a new respect for what my body could do! As a mother to a newborn and 5 year old I am finding it difficult to get everything done AND have the energy to get out of the house and sweat. I am also fearful of bringing my newborn to a gym while he is still so young. 

Since having my son I have been focusing mainly on pelvic floor exercises. (I was very adamant about going my kegels throughout my pregnancy and I know that I benefited from doing them). EVERYONE should do them, pregnant or not! I've also been taking short walks and stretching. It took about a week for my body to feel relaxed but the stretching is doing its job! 
I still have 2 more weeks until I get cleared for regular workouts but I want to have a head start on things so I don't put it off. After the birth of my first son exercise helped me cope with postpartum depression and lose all my baby weight plus 10 more pounds. Starting sooner rather than later is best!
My son and I
I also have the jogging stroller of my dreams so until I can get into the gym on a regular basis I'll be following this plan to gain endurance and get used to working out in the heat again:

Monday: Cardio + Strength Training
Tuesday: Cardio
Wednesday: Cardio + Strength Training
Thursday: Cardio
Friday: Cardio +  Strength Training
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

My strength training will be done using my home equipment (weights, med ball, bench set).


  1. I have a hard time balancing strength training and cardio. I tend to focus on cardio and don't focus nearly enough on strength. It sounds like you have a good breakdown of days and what you're focusing on these days. I hope it works out well for you!

    1. I find that to be my issue as well, with my schedule how it is now though it will be much easier getting my cardio done in the am and ST in the PM! Ill continue to post once Im actually doing it to show changes. Who knows how well the baby will cooperate lol

  2. Lindsay this is great!! Good for you - I'm excited that you're excited to get back at it Little Miss Fit!! :) You go girl! I have all the faith in you in the world <3

    1. Thank you so much! I cant wait to see results!
