
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Thursdays

During the month of November Ill be doing my Thankful Thursday Link up with some other blogs. This is a way to really keep my heart and head where it belongs and remember what is important.
  • This week I am thankful for the safety of my family. As many of you know my husband, mother and sister were all visiting family in NY and NJ this past weekend and their trips took a horrible turn with the arrival of Sandy. Every single person Im related to (minus my brother and father) were affected by Sandy. I feel for all the families that have lost things they hold dear. {Red cross donations can be made HERE}
  • I am thankful for my children. For the first time I am a mom to 2 boys and taking care of them alone has been quite the learning lesson! I am reminded to be patient and understanding. 
  • Im thankful for will power! Halloween has been a true test to that! With many pounds of candy sitting on my table (and my son constantly looking over it) I am tempted by the smells of chocolate and sour treats. I've stayed strong and avoided eating any!
  • Im thankful for the Navy. The men and women on this base have kept us safe through the bomb threats made earlier this week. As frustrating as some of it may be, I feel safer knowing we are protective by brave men and women on a daily basis. 
  • I am so thankful for my friends. I have an amazing group of ladies doing a Paleo challenge that started this week! Even though I may not actually know many of them, Im glad to have their support and support them on a daily basis! Keeps me honest and ready for more!


  1. Such fabulousness to be thankful for!! I'm very thankful that my sister, who lives in manhattan is safe from sandy even though her power still hasn't returned! <3 spa love

  2. i'm glad your family is fine. I have just been seeing the pictures from there and it is sooo sad!
